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周 勇,赵 玮,宋 康,骆仙芳.椒枝软胶囊对哮喘大鼠血清IL-4表达的影响[J].浙江中西医结合杂志,2012,22(6):433-434
Effects of Jiaozhi Soft Capsules on the Expression of IL-4 in Asthmatic Rats
中文关键词:  大鼠 哮喘 IL-4 椒枝软胶囊
英文关键词:rats asthma IL-4 Jiaozhi soft capsules
基金项目:浙江省中医药科技计划项目 (No.2008YA004)
周 勇 杭州市红十字会医院 杭州 310003 
赵 玮 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
宋 康 浙江中医药大学附属第一医院 
骆仙芳 浙江中医药大学附属第二医院 
摘要点击次数: 2681
全文下载次数: 32
      目的: 探讨椒枝软胶囊对哮喘大鼠血清IL-4水平的影响。方法: 将48只健康雄性SD大鼠 随机分为空白对照组、 模型组、 强的松组和椒枝软胶囊低、 中、 高剂量组, 每组8只。除空白对照组 外, 以卵蛋白氢氧化铝混悬液腹腔+多点皮下注射, 卵蛋白雾化攻击制作哮喘大鼠模型, 从第13天 起空白对照组和模型组大鼠给予生理盐水10mL/kg灌胃, 强的松组大鼠给予强的松溶液10mg/kg 灌胃, 椒枝软胶囊低、 中、 高剂量组分别给予椒枝软胶囊溶液315、 787.5和1575mg/kg灌胃, 共5天, 末次给药后48h处死大鼠, 留取血清, ELISA法测定各组大鼠血清IL-4水平。结果: 强的松组、 椒枝 软胶囊高、 中剂量组血清IL-4水平均低于哮喘模型组, 差异有统计学意义 (P<0.01或P<0.05); 结 论: 椒枝软胶囊可能通过降低血清IL-4水平减轻哮喘气道炎症, 进而减少气道黏液分泌。
      Objective: To investigate the effect of Jiaozhi soft capsules on IL-4 in asthmatic rat’ s airway. Meth? ods: Forty-eight male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, including control group, asthma model group, prednisone group, and high, medial and low does of Jiaozhi soft capulses groups, 8 in each. The other 5 groups except the control group were sensitized with OVA and Al(OH)3 by intraperitoneal injection and subcutaneous in? jections and were attacked by atomized OVA. The rats were given corresponding medicine (10mL/kg saline, 10mg/ kg prednisone, and 1575, 787.5, and 315 mg/kg Jiaozhi) on the 13th day after model establishment and then were executed 48 hours later after last atomization. Serum level of IL-4 was detected by ELISA.Results: The lev? el of IL-4 in the prednisone group, and the medial and low doses of Jiaozhi soft capsule groups were lower than that in the asthma model group (P<0.01 or P<0.05) . Conclusion: The Jiaozhi soft capsules could cut down IL-4 in blood serum to lighten inflammation of the airway, then reduce mucin secretion of the airway.
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